Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Out With the Auld Resolutions and In With the New

With 2010 rapidly coming to a close I, like many of you, have started to think about my New Year's resolution.  In 2010 I forewent the route of resolutions and was inspired by my Aunt Liz to make a vision board.  Instead of making an unrealistic goal, I flipped through magazines and cut out pictures and phrases that meant something to me and represented something I would like to accomplish.

As I sit here looking at my board, I realize that I subconsciously accomplished more than I thought.  I had put the board on the fridge door, but never really looked at it every day...so I guess I sent myself subliminal messages!  I had placed a phrase from an add that said "Diet Like a Diva", and lost 40 pounds this year.  I had also placed other ads that said "Start Living Your Creative Passion" and "Get Clear, Live Clear".  I really do feel like I am closer to both of those things at the close of this year.  What better way to make a board this year, than to put it on the blog and be accountable to all of you and myself!

As the year closes, I finally have some semblance of a direction and am happy.  This year has been one of the happiest I remember having in a long time.  The last few years were long and hard, but the challenges they brought have brought me to this point, and there is a reason for all of it, I'm sure!

So, you are probably wondering why I am rambling on and on about all of this on a food blog.

The Main Points

I really didn't have to think about this year's resolution...it kinda just...hit me out of nowhere!  I just want to live a healthier life.  I'm not putting a number of pounds, making ridiculous exercise goals, or try to live up to some other unrealistic standard.  What I really want to work on are the few things listed below, which is, in part, why I am posting this on the blog...they are all food related in some way, shape, or form!

1. Eat more organic foods.  I realized this year how much processed food comes in this house.  I hate to point fingers, but my Dad and his Entenmann's and Tastykake addiction, my sister and her soda, and my weak will power have resulted in many a late night binges on all of our parts.  I think we can all benefit as a family from less processed food and much less junk!  Now that I have my mixer, I am also hoping to stop buying store bread and pasta, and make it fresh every weekend for the week, not only for dinner and breakfast, but also for my sister to make her school lunch on.  Along with this, I want to buy a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Share to bring more healthy options into the house!

2. Meatless Mondays.  I usually try to incorporate one vegetarian meal a week into our family dinner rotation, but I want to be very adamant about it this year.  I am a huge fan of the Meatless Monday movement, and have managed to participate quite a few times.  It helps keep the grocery budget under control, is a nice boost of fiber rich food early in the week, and will give our bodies a much needed boost of vitamins and minerals.  I also secretly hope that my sister will start to branch out of her vegetable comfort zone and try new things. 

3. Be more active.  I fell off the exercise bandwagon when the humidity levels topped out over the summer, but I want to start again with the new year.  I want to be better about going for a walk after dinner to help digestion, playing with the dog more, and really just moving around because I can.  Again, I am not putting a number on it, but just want to know that I am getting my body and soul to a healthier place. 

4. Be a better recycler.  Our house is notoriously crappy at recycling.  I want to be more conscious of it, and reduce our carbon foot print as a family.  I would like to invest in a bin outside the back door to make it easier, and also start composting coffee ground, egg shells, peels, etc.  They are both small steps that can make a big difference! 

5. Plant a garden.  My dad keeps a beautiful yard full of flora and fauna, but over the last few years we have stopped growing veggies.  I would really like to plant tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, herbs, and a few other plants this year to use in the kitchen.  I am hoping that I can also work on learning to can so I can store up for the winter and make lots of spaghetti sauce!

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