Sunday, December 12, 2010

Proofing My Passion

I couldn't resist sharing this with all of you.  I entered a contest tonight (ok more like 2:15 this morning), that required me to write about my passion for baking.  The grand prize is a huge culinary school scholarship (fingers crossed)!  Most of the people that entered wrote serious stories about their love of baking or about how it is a family tradition, while I on the other hand opted for a light hearted poem about my need for this scholarship because I suck at baking bread/dough related things.  Here it is...I hope you enjoy my....errr...prose?...maybe I should find a writing scholarship? :-P

Proofing My Passion

I learned how to cook
at a very young age,
but the story is too long
for the size of this page

So here’s the story,
a condensed version if you will,
about a girl who longs to bake
with CIA level precision and skill

My mom taught me the basics -
boiling, frying, and baking.
I knew early on that the culinary world
was mine for the taking!

As I got older and wiser
my kitchen adventures grew,
and I soon learned the hard way
there was little about baking I knew.

Cookies, cheesecakes, cakes, and pies
were mine for the taking,
but that darn loaf of bread
I have always had difficulty making!

Many years at college,
and several loans later,
I learned the hard way
that I did not want to be an educator!

Soon I lost my job,
and mom got cancer.
Time in the kitchen
became my only answer.

With books by Julia Child,
and some by Julie Powell, too,
I had piles of inspiration,
And lots of dishes to do!

I soon took back the position
I had at a deli in high school,
and  remembered that a job
can be fun and not cruel.

I have spent the days since
chopping, slicing, and dicing -
knowing all along that
My future I was not sacrificing!

Recently a brand new business
has branched out all alone,
A new catering company
which I can call my own!

I love treating others
to the homemade, savory, and sweet,
and hope that I can soon
offer them a yeast risen treat!

In the years my cooking has grown,
and skills are what I've learned,
but making delicious and edible carbs
is a skill for which I still yearn.

Many attempts at baking were made,
and at most of them I failed,
so I know that this scholarship
would give me the chance to prevail!

I hope this poem has given you
a chuckle or a laugh,
but also reflect my passion
for unleashing my baking wrath!  

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