Friday, January 7, 2011


I am disappearing for the weekend...

At the buttcrack of life tomorrow morning, I am driving my brother back to college for his last term as an undergraduate.  In a slightly selfish move, I am visiting my friend Maggie while I am there!  I will be back Sunday, but am taking the day to myself to catch up on putting the last of the Christmas decorations away and doing LOTS of laundry that I have been avoiding for a few weeks.  I hope that all of you have a great weekend, and I will be back Monday with tales to tell!


  1. Hey

    Do you have steak recipes? I have to cook tonight...and no help from the gf... :(

  2. Hi Bean!!! Sorry I wasn't home to get back to you in time, but I can give you this tip...

    When cooking a steak on the grill, cook it on the lowest heat setting. Be sure to let your grill heat well and that it is clean. Let your steak cook on one side until the juices have started to collect and pull on the top of the steak. Flip the steak and let it do the same on the other side. When the juices have pulled on the other side your steak is ready! It will be cooked medium-well, have great char marks, and will have retained the majority of its juices! Hope this helps!


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