Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Food Blog Succotash

So, tonight I have a mix of loose ends and things I have been meaning to tell you all about...

The Homemade Root Beer Epilogue

Last week, my sister and I made homemade root beer and waited patiently for it to do its thing so we could enjoy it.  Tonight, I finally decided to crack open a bottle and give it a try!  Well, I guess I will start with the good news - it tasted like root beer.  The bad news - it was not carbonated.  So now I have close to two gallons of non-carbonated root beer flavored water.  We followed the directions that called for an 1/8 a teaspoon of yeast to carbonate, so I think next time I am going to just up the yeast to a 1/2 a teaspoon and hope for the best.  Flat happens haha!

Limbuger Cheese

A few weeks ago, I made my way to our local Amish Farmer Market.  In search of organic milk and eggs at a good price, I made my way to the dairy kiosk.  I already had paid for my milk and eggs and had them in hand when I spotted the little silver brick sitting in the cheese case.  My brother told me not to do it, but I had to buy it and try it!  It has been sitting in the fridge in the pneumatically sealed package because I decided to wait until I got my sense of smell back so I could embrace its full effect.  This is where I am going to interject with - What the F%&# was I thinking?!  I should have known I was in trouble when my gag reflex kicked in as soon as the plastic wrapping came off of the package.  The smell hit me like horse crap in August!  Ok, I was prepared for this.  Over and over and over again I have been told that it is the best cheese I will ever eat if I can get it past my nose.  I really should have been worried when my dad refused to try it - he eats EVERYTHING!  As I cut through the silver packaging, which I should add was literally the only silver lining of this experience, I began to get worried because the smell got worse!  This is about where I start chanting, "Mind over matter" to myself.  The block of cheese itself was pretty and looked like gold marble, and for a brief moment, as the silver blade sliced through it, I thought, "This is going to be a religious experience!"  I cut off a small piece, cut it in half, and wrapped what was left.  My dad at this point became interested and caved in to try it with me.  He, the poor guy, fully committed to the entire piece of cheese, while I nibbled a corner off of my slice.  I knew we were in trouble as we ran for the trash can and a glass of flat homemade root beer.  I could not get the taste out of my mouth...thankfully the root beer flavor cut the grossness factor down a little bit!  Or maybe the Limburger cut down the grossness factor of the root beer?  I don't know why I put the block of it back in the fridge, but it is sitting there, as if one of us will break down and eat it with a pack of crackers!  The moral of this story: The farm that is producing this monstrosity had to have also produced the "If you can get it past your nose..." line!

This video pretty much sums up the experience...

Gulab Jamun

Tonight I made box mix gulab jamun, which is an Indian dessert.  I had picked it up a few months ago from our local Subzi Mandi, which is a cash and carry grocery store.  It is essentially an evaporated milk donut that is deep fried and soaked in sugar water.  The name is pronounced like goo-lahb-jew-mon, and it is a little slice of Nirvana!

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