Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A New Year's Resolution Update

Right before New Year's, I posted about my resolutions.  Now that we are two weeks in, I can start tracking my progress.  Since you and me are the only ones that can hold me accountable for my actions, I should probably check in and share where we (my family and I) are at!

Here is my New Year's Vision Board!


I bought two large Rubbermaid containers and have made one for general recycling and one for paper and cardboard.   I did get lids for them so during the winter months we can keep them inside and don't have to run out in the cold every time we have something to put in them.  It took about a week for my family to acclimate to the new process, but as of this week we are a well oiled recycling machine!  After a little research, I learned that the town we live in was actually the first one in the United States to mandate recycling after it became a municipal law in 1980.  With that being said, I feel better putting our garbage out on the curb, and am a bit ashamed to say that I do it with a little too much pride, especially considering that this week we have two recycling bins that runneth over, a stack of cardboard, and only 2 trash bags!  We are still struggling a little with some silly things like remembering that paper towels can either be composted or recycled, but we are getting there.  I am looking into making a list for the fridge that reminds us what goes in what container!  Aside from grocery store meat packaging, we have also cut back on our use of polystyrene containers, cups, and plates!


With the recycling project, also comes the composting!  This one has been a little bit of an uphill battle for several reasons.  Old habits die hard, so I often find myself still tossing things in the garbage can that can be composted, such as egg shells.  Quite often, my family will find my cursing while I dig through the garbage can trying to find the other half of an egg shell, and pulling out assortments of things like bread ends and coffee grounds that they have thrown away, too.  I have designated a large green bowl on the counter for compostable items, and my sister has become really good at taking it outside on almost a daily basis.  She adds everything to the pile and then buries the newer additions so our dog cannot go treasure hunting - we realized that was going to be a problem on the first day when it took him an hour to go to the bathroom and came inside carrying the lovely odor of onion and had yam bits stuck to his chin!  I plan on buying a compost bin later this month, which will make my dad happy.  He is, what I feel, overly concerned about "critters" making a home out of the yard because of the compost pile.  If a big plastic bin will calm him down, it is worth it.  I found this one at Lowes, and like that it has doors on the bottom for easy compost removal and a quasi-latching lid!  It is making me excited to start my garden this spring and my seedlings next month! 

Organic Living and Being More Active

I feel like these two go hand in hand.  I thought they would be the easier "fixes" but have found otherwise so far.  I have been slammed with a head and chest cold for about a week now, so haven't found myself in a place where I can work out the way I want to yet.  I'm hoping I'll be feeling better by the weekend so I can start working out better when the mood strikes.  I have started making some small changes like parking at the back of the lot and walking as opposed to searching for a front row spot.  I try to take stairs more, and am forcing myself to move around the house and at work more.  As far as organic living, I have been buying more organic products, and am finding it beyond ironic that they are more expensive.  Is this just me?  Everything I am buying is less processed and for that reason should be cheaper to produce, so why I am paying a fortune?  Maybe I am just naive...  I have, since switching over to organic, lost 5 pounds without even trying - added bonus!  I am buying eggs and milk at the local Amish Market.  I might switch over to meat there too.  It is a little bit more expensive, but it is organic and fresh.  Plus they don't wrap it on the polystyrene I am trying to cut down on!  Right now a dozen organic brown eggs costs about $2, and a half gallon of milk in a glass bottle is $5, but I get a $2 deposit back when I return the glass bottle.  As of now, it is the best deal I have found on organic dairy products.  I am also still looking into a CSA (Community Supported Aggriculture) share for the summer and fall.  I've asked my dad to go in halves with me, and he thinks it is a waste of space.  So I think I am going to go in on a quarter share at an organic farm near our house by myself.  Maybe he will change his mind when he sees what it is all about.  I've tried explaining it over and over again, but I don't think the concept is sinking in.


I've been working on the compost, but am looking forward to starting my seeds late next month!  I am planning on herbs, carrots, tomatoes, a lettuce blend, zucchini, and maybe a melon or berry mix.  The plans are in the works and I am going to start picking up supplies.  So as of now, there isn't much more I can do!  If I find any good seed sales, I will pass them along!

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